Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ride'n in the Rain

Bruce came to town today to join me for a few meetings (1 today and 1 tomorrow) and an afternoon planning session related to our church plant. Good times, good times!

Anyway, he brought his bike and expressed interest in taking in a Billings Mustang game. Court and I had been discussing trying to take in one of these games in the near future. So I called Court at work and suggested she ride the few blocks down to the stadium after work to watch the game with us. 

Bruce and I got our bikes and set out on the short 1 3/4 mile ride to the stadium. As we stood in line to get tickets a guy came up and handed us three seats down the third base line. Free stuff! I love it. The 'Stangs were playing a team from Orem, Utah and it was a good game. In the 4th inning the bottom of the sky fell out and huge thunderstorm came rolling in. 

So we sat and waited, because it was to dangerous to ride our bikes. :) Court was not happy!

Eventually we caught a break in the weather and off we went, peddling as fast as our legs could take us. Water was spraying up on us and Court appeared slightly angered by our predicament. As we approached a small hill near our home a flash flood was occurring, Court may have become more angry as we crossed the calf deep water, at this point she wasn't responding to my quick witted quips. So I am not certain she actually increased in anger or was already beyond a measurable point.

Thankfully we all arrived home safely, but a bit less dry than before. All in all I called the night a win. We caught 4 1/2 innings of good baseball, for FREE! We also set a Tour De Billings time trial record getting home. I am not sure Court feels the same way.


Anonymous said...

that's hilarious. how does Avery handle stuff like that?

Ryan Tucker said...

sadly, she seems inflexible like her mother.

Anonymous said...

wow, must be something about rain and baseball lately. i'm about to update my blog with a similar story.

Clif Harris said...

I'm glad you're riding your bikes . . . even in the rain!!!

The "Mustang" reminded me . . . I think I have a second job idea for you . . . have you considered becoming a miniature horse whisperer? I think you would be good at that!

Wish I could claim the idea was mine . . . Carrie Underwood inspired me.

Love ya'

Anonymous said...

If the water was calf high, how high was it on Court?

Ryan Tucker said...

Above her hips...