Friday, July 11, 2008

I want to ride my bicycle...I want to ride my bike

Today was the first day I have had the opportunity to use my bike as a primary mode of transportation. A bit of background info...

Court and I chose the home we are now in for many reasons, but one reason was the area is friendly to foot and bike traffic. I can honestly say I have never in my life seen so many people out and about on bikes. Court is only about 1.5 miles from the hospital so a short 10 minute ride and she is at work. 

I am about .8 of a mile from my office, City Brew located off 17th St. and Grand Ave., So it takes me about 5 minutes to get to the office. I made the trek to the office this morning stopping by the bank to check on getting my pin number personalized. After I finished this brief errand I worked on some computer related details over a nice bottle of City Brew water.

Around 11:45 a.m. I headed another .8 of a mile west on Grand Ave. to meet a friend for lunch, we had a great talk about life, God, following Jesus and the potential of a missional church. I left there for another 1 mile ride further west on Grand Ave. to check out a potential preschool. 

Heading back east toward home I stopped off at our Montana Rescue Mission on the west side of town and made an appointment to speak with a guy who helps run it. It is my hope to establish a partnership between our church and at least 3 local missional efforts, the MRM is a potential partner. 

I headed the 2.5 miles back toward the house and noticed a home based daycare about .5 miles from my home. I stopped in and checked it out. It was pretty nice and the director was enjoyable to speak with, she attends one of the larger congregations in town that began as a small group out of the pastor's home. 

I rode the final .5 miles back to the house. Not a bad day for what is traditionally my day off, I plan to attempt to keep it that way when possible. :)

Why a bike? Hmmmmmmmmm...I guess I have many reasons. 1) Money! We are looking to cut back anyway we can now and our gasoline usage will be something we need to watch. I also hope to reduce some of the normal institutional cost of doing church and mileage reimbursement is one thing that can go for now. 2) Truth be told you just see more people and notice more things on a bike. I hope it helps me interact with people a bit more. 3) Ecological footprint, I hope to reduce mine a bit.

The high today was only about 71 degrees so it was quite pleasant. I did realize the dangers of riding a bike today. The cars are scary at times! 

I do believe I look cool in my helmet, though no other person has told me that...

Court and I have an anniversary tomorrow, so we'll be head'n to Pioneer Park for some Frisbee Golf and then up on top of the Rimrocks for a twilight picnic. Will ride our bikes to the park, but Court doesn't think she would make the top of the Rimrocks. :)


Anonymous said...

man, that sounds awesome. you guys are my heroes. i can't ride my bike anywhere. 1) because my house, school, and church/work are all 20 miles apart from each other and 2) because i can't breathe the air humid smoggy air here. as a result, i have to drive in my car and contribute to the smog.

it's an ugly-cycle, not a bi-cycle

Anonymous said...

Is your blog title a exclimation, or just a "truth" you are tying to convince yourself of???;-)
Happy Anniversary! Hope you and Court have a beautiful celebration tomorrow!!

Andrea said...

your search is over, Avery can stay with her aunt Andrea :)

Ryan Tucker said...

I actually want to ride my bike. :)

Thanx! Be safe com'n back from Texas. We'll see ya soon!

Ryan Tucker said...

Andrea, be careful what you ask for...

Jaimie McG said...

Does the City Brew not have blackberry milkshakes? What will you ever do? I guess you had to resort to the measures of going back to Geyser Springs or something of that sort.

Anyways, I am so proud of your changed ways. It sounds like I would enjoy Montana. Courtney told me that she had already scoped out the nearest recycle center? Now you guys can ride your bikes to recycle. How cute.

Keep on rockin' the streets with your helmet Big T!! (pretty soon it's going to be Little T with this mountain and street treking!

Laura B. said...

I must say, I too am very proud Ryan...ride that bicycle..shrink that footprint! Who day you might even find yourself yelling at people who don't recycle (Amelia is proud too)

Ryan Tucker said...

Laura, you need to come up here and go activist. They don't recycle as a city nor do the private places take plastic.