Friday, November 28, 2008

Life is moving forward

November has been a busy month, Court is working one extra shift every other week to make a bit of extra money and I continue to work my one-on-one mentor job and substitute teach once or twice a week. Not a ton to report...I do think I have a lead for a childcare place for the potential church worship site. To early to offer many details but I am excited about the possibilities.

Our entire clan was sick Thanksgiving Day, not much fun. Avery ran a small fever, Court and I both had sore throats and just felt a bit off. We are looking forward to December and I am excited about the first of the year.

Our friends Jon and Andrea will be moving in January to join us, and starting in February, March and April we'll begin making our church more public. Please be praying for our worship site. I plan to approach the owner of a particular space after the first of the year to cast the vision for a downtown church.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Here is a shot of Avery with her "Bubbie".