Monday, May 18, 2009

Church in Tree Hill, NC

As I sat watching the season finale of the CW TV series "One Tree Hill" 2nite I realized I should have planted a church in Tree Hill. In one hour the magic touch of the writers made all wrongs right and a seasons worth of difficulties and tribulations were washed away as all the main characters finally reached their intended goals and destinations. It was beautiful!

Unfortunately it was also make believe. I know it is a bit cheesy that I watch "One Tree Hill" I blame working with teenagers and the fact that the show was shot in my former home town of Wilmington, NC.

Planting a church in the real world is difficult, this week has been an example of that fact. The first two weeks of our public gathering certainly went well and a general sense of excitement has been among us. However, beneath the surface our small core group has been struggling. This past Sunday did not help when only a handful of people showed up to our gathering. None of us expected miracles, but it felt a bit like a punch in the gut. 

It was only one week, but pray for us. It hit us hard and we are uncertain of what to do if we continue down that path. 

While planting a church in the real world may never end with a neat bow tied on top like TV land does, watching "One Tree Hill" 2nite reminded me of something. 

Believe dreams come true, because they do!

1 comment:

Caitlyn said...

I didn't know you were public about your One Tree Hill viewing. Maybe you'll be able to use that in a sermon one day.. I'm sure it will be useful.