Sunday, December 14, 2008

A New Record

It was -13 degrees it is now -15 degrees, YIPPIE!


Muirs of C'dale said...

I've been thinking about you all and wondering how you were holding up with the cold. It was only 71 today in Wilmington-I managed to not wear long sleeves!

Hope Santa finds you in all that freezing weather.

Have a Blessed Christmas.


Unknown said...

Is it a dry cold or a wet cold? Do you have to wear shoes and socks? Have you tried to stick your tongue on a metal pole? Will Santa get to you first since you are farther north?

I miss our deep talks.

Love you and miss you a bunch.

Ryan Tucker said...

it is dry...i haven't had flops on in sometime...i have tried to stick my tongue to a pole...i would not suggest it...i don't know about santa...miss you as well.