Tuesday, April 22, 2008

24 hr News Media

When I was a kid I remember the big deal CNN made about being a 24 hour news source. In retrospect what a mistake. Has news turned from news into entertainment? News sources now own other companies or other companies own news sources. Ratings, money, etc…these are the stories they are truly after.


Was it always like this? I watch the nightly Democratic Presidential nomination race and ponder…Am I watching news coverage? Or a scripted drama where our politicians play their part?


Whatever the case I am pretty sure the news makes the news, they don’t cover it any more. MSNBC, FOX NEWS, CNN...Shame on us for letting you do it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its definitely a double-edged sword. It is good for people to be aware of what's going on in the world, and people don't live on a schedule enables them to do that at 6 and 11, in a lot of cases. On the other hand, with the all the resulting competition, the networks have to choose their niche that will make them the most money (well, they don't have to, but they do) The horrible result is that a person can now pick his or her news based on the conclusion they want to draw from it rather than drawing the conclusion from the facts. It makes it pretty easy to, hypothetically speaking of course, downplay the horrors of a war to the demographic that originally supported it.